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Retail gift aid

How does Retail Gift Aid work?

When you sign up the Retail Gift Aid Scheme in our shops, you allow Crisis at Christmas (C@C) – wholly owned subsidiary of Crisis - to act on your behalf in selling the items you bring to Crisis shops. When the goods have been sold, this is converted into cash and we can reclaim some of the tax the donor has paid to HMRC, at no extra cost for you. This mean that we can reclaim 25% of the amount of each donation.

Who can sign up the Gift Aid declaration?

You can register for Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer – in UK or overseas – and pay enough Income Tax (on salary and/or on pension) or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount claimed. For this reason, we need your full name and home address to match your HMRC record in order to claim Gift Aid.

If your tax circumstances or name and address details change please do get in touch at or by calling 08000 38 48 38.

What happens when Crisis sells my items?

In our stores the till will automatically record the sale via a scanned barcode. This will update the donor’s record accordingly. At the end of the Tax Year, we will contact you:

  • If the total net sale value* of your goods has reached more than £20, or every three years, whichever comes first and let you know how much we raised from selling your goods.
  • If the total net sale value* of your goods is equal to or less than £1000, the proceeds of sale will automatically be deemed to be donated to Crisis UK.
  • If it is over and above £1000, Crisis UK will write to you to confirm your consent to donate the net sales* that exceed the initial £1000 threshold. If we don’t receive a written response from you within 21 calendar days of sending you the net sales notification, we will assume that you consent.

*C@C will deduct a commission charge of 2% (exclusive of VAT) from the price at which the item is sold to cover our costs. The rate of commission is reviewed periodically. For further information, please click here or get in touch at or by calling 08000 38 48 38.
