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Kate's Story

“I started volunteering in Crisis Skylight South Wales in July of 2023. It has been such a great experience as a Welcome and Reception Volunteer. The support from the rest of the team has been wonderful and I really feel as if I am part of a team that is truly making a difference. My role is to welcome members into the Skylight in addition to answering any calls that may come in and answering any questions members may initially have.

I moved to Swansea for University and volunteering for Crisis was an opportunity presented to me by the university. I needed to gain some more work experience and I could not be more grateful that I had the chance to work with people in this community. I have really gained a deeper understanding of the homeless crisis in South Wales and made connections with people that I will never forget.

I really enjoy working with all our members and being a friendly and familiar face they can chat to when they come into the Skylight. Hearing all their stories truly inspires me and despite everything continues to show me strength and resilience like I have never witnessed. The team I work with has been amazing, providing me with all the support and training I needed. I have loved my time volunteering and it is definitely something I would love to continue doing in the future.”

By sharing stories we can change attitudes and build a movement for permanent, positive change. Stand against homelessness and help us end it for good.
