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Helen's Story

"I've been volunteering at the Oxford Skylight for about two years now. I'd done some volunteering with people experiencing homelessness a few years ago and once we came out of lockdown, I was looking for something I could help with. I believe having a creative outlet is so important, either as an 'escape' or to express something you couldn't otherwise say / explain, so when I saw the advert for volunteers with Crisis it was perfect. I do a fortnightly session in the Art Room, and I've done two Christmases as well."

"The art sessions are great. Every session is different and there's a huge variety of activities- it's not just painting! Sometimes the members have a project they are working on, other sessions are more structured. I never know in advance what will be happening, but I like that! My role is to support the tutor with setting up materials / cleaning and supporting & chatting with the members."

"Before Christmas we made up different activity packs so that members had something creative to do away from the Centre. I have also made art for use as examples on a new project. I always learn something from the sessions and members. Not just art-related, we talk about anything and everything including TV shows, philosophy, music, gardening. I love seeing how everyone interprets a project differently & unlock skills & talents they might not have known they had."

"The Christmas volunteering was in the warehouse (a room where donations are sorted & then packed) I helped sort the donations received then packed bags for members with food, gifts & art materials as requested. It's a good feeling to know you are a small part in making someone's day better."

By sharing stories we can change attitudes and build a movement for permanent, positive change. Stand against homelessness and help us end it for good.
