Gary's Story
"Over the past six years, my determination to support Crisis members has been driven by the belief that everyone deserves dignity, compassion, and the opportunity to rebuild their lives. Volunteering initially allowed me to help individuals gain key literacy and numeracy skills, and as a teacher I felt that I was able to use my skills to provide members with pathways to qualifications.
"More recently my experiences have been working with lead workers offering reassurance as members took the first steps into secure accommodation as a House to Home Volunteer. I was able to support a number of members in the last twelve months as they settled into more secure situations.
"I am motivated by a deep sense of community with other people and the hope that I can play a small part to support others. Witnessing the positive changes in the lives of those we've helped has been a powerful motivator. I cannot say how much I enjoy seeing the impact the incredibly patient and skilled lead workers have in inspiring and guiding people towards brighter futures.
"The journey for so many of the members hasn’t been easy, but I am always humbled by the resilience and gratitude shown by the people I've helped to support, and this has fuelled my commitment. Each story of a person finding stability and hope has reminded me of the importance of the role of the volunteers. If I have a favourite memory, it will be greeting members on their doorsteps as I delivered food and essentials during the pandemic. I have also loved the range of experiences at Christmas, phoning to arrange meals for people or putting together packages and parcels to be delivered over Christmas.
“It has been a total pleasure throughout and I intend to support in whatever ways I can in the future.”
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