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We are looking for performers and workshop leaders to share their creative talents with our guests over the Christmas period.


ROLE FULL - Wellbeing Workshop Lead Volunteer

Wellbeing Workshop Leaders will be delivering a small group activity for guests at our wellbeing events, with the support of a workshop assistant.

Arts Workshop Leader Volunteer

Your activity can be anything you think will work for people with varying experience and abilities, from poetry to clay modelling to crafting.

Workshop Assistant Volunteer

Workshop Assistants will support workshop leaders to deliver their activity.

ROLE FULL - Sports Workshop Leader Volunteer

Sports and Fitness Workshop Leaders will be delivering a small group activity for guests at our wellbeing events, with the support of a workshop assistant.

ROLE FULL - Discussion Workshop Leader Volunteer

Discussion Workshop Leaders will be delivering a small group activity for guests at our health day event, with the support of a workshop assistant.
