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Stuart's story

Stuart's story.

Meet Stuart, Crisis volunteer and supporter 

Stuart was living what he describes as a comfortable life, with a lovely home, partner and children. But in the space of a few days in the summer of 1999, everything changed and he found himself teetering on the brink of homelessness.

“I lost everything and would have found myself on the streets if it hadn't been for the kindness of friends. I spent a few nights here, a few nights there, always leaving before I outstayed my welcome. I slept in my car on a couple of occasions because I was too embarrassed to ask if I could sleep at somebody’s house – again.  

Compared to many people in that situation, I was very lucky. After a few difficult weeks I had found somewhere stable to live and I was beginning to piece things together. But Christmas was looming, and I was dreading spending most of it on my own, only seeing my children briefly.  

Then I remembered Crisis, and that’s how I became a volunteer on Christmas morning. The first job I ever did on shift was to help serve breakfast. 

Since then, I’ve become passionate about doing anything I can to help Crisis. Leaving a gift in my Will is just one of those things. After the pandemic I realised it would be sensible to write a Will.

I contacted George at Crisis, and he directed me to Farewill, which is a Will-writing service free for Crisis supporters. It couldn’t have been easier. And now I know my support for Crisis will help the next generation."

Stuart Cashmore, Crisis Volunteer

For more information about leaving a gift in your Will, contact George Shelley on or 07814 654362. 

By sharing stories we can change attitudes and build a movement for permanent, positive change. Stand against homelessness and help us end it for good.
