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John's Story

John's Story

When John left prison, his probation officer referred him to Crisis in Merseyside where he was supported by Sharon. Now he’s moved into a flat and is volunteering as a gardener. We met to discuss his journey.

“I was involved in an altercation and was sentenced to ten months in prison. Probation put me in touch with Crisis. I met Sharon, and it’s really down to her that everything started moving forward in my life.

Sharon found me a flat and I moved in after staying at the hostel for six weeks. Crisis also helped me find carpets, furniture, blinds.

As well as finding me a home, they’ve helped make it more of a home.

I left prison feeling unsure. I didn’t know what to expect and without that support there and reassurance, I would have been feeling a lot more anxious. I wouldn’t have been given any drive or direction and I wouldn’t have been, as quickly, supported back into society.

I’m in a better place now than I’ve been in for a long time.

I had mental health problems as a teenager. Probably related to an unhappy home life. I was a million miles away from getting an education. Not being able to benefit from education and being forgotten about led me to drink and it’s led me to crime, which led me to prison which led me to homelessness.

My main focus is to see to my son again.

I have a son who is six now. Since he was born, I was always involved in his life, in raising him. I was given support in terms of implementing the processes to see my son again. They directed me to solicitors to give me free legal advice but it’s all going to have to go through the Family Court."

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