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Tangent Clubs Charity of the year fundraising success!

Tangent Clubs have raised an amazing total of almost £56,000 for Crisis as Charity of the year!

The past year has been a difficult time to carry out fundraising activities, but by trying new things Tangent’s charity of the year fundraising has been a brilliant success. This year Tangent members took part in a fantastic range of online events such as a gin-tasting and a pantomime! They also raised money for Crisis through a 24 -hour online bake-athon, and followed this up with a recipe book.

Once people were able to get together again, Tangent went on to hold a ladies lunch and a ball in aid of Crisis, and didn’t stop there, holding further raffles and quizzes to raise more funds for people experiencing homelessness.

‘I was delighted to be able to choose Crisis and partner with them to raise the profile of the important issues faced by those who find themselves without a home. We know that Crisis will put it to very good use and that together, we will end homelessness’

Tracey Pickin, president of the National Association of Tangent Clubs for 2021/2022

We’d like to say a big thank you to Tracey, and to all at Tangent Clubs for getting behind her efforts to raise vital funds for our work to end homelessness.
