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'Dear Mr Pop Star'


A huge thank you to Team Philpott for raising over £1000 for Crisis from the sales of their books 'Dear Mr Pop Star', 'Grammar Free in the UK'!


'For over a decade, ‘Team Philpott’, as their followers fondly refer to them, have been writing old-fashioned letters to punk, pop and rock stars, picking up on genuine ambiguities within their lyrics or often deliberately misunderstanding them for comedic effect.

What makes this project especially deserving of attention is that it has achieved a feat never before attempted or probably even thought of. The artists quite unexpectedly started to reply, writing back in just as witty and articulate a fashion, politely pointing out exactly where the original letter went wrong...or right.

This year sees the eagerly awaited New Edition of 'Dear Mr Pop Star', a revised reboot with lots of new content and looking to be the most popular offering yet

Its now available on Amazon:

The authors will kindly be making a donation to homelessness charities from the profits of every copy sold as a thank you to the artists involved, and we're most grateful that Crisis has been chosen as one of these charities!
