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Homelessness can't be ignored any longer

Homelessness can be overwhelming. It can be uncomfortable to confront. Sometimes the more we see it, the more we want to look away. But ignoring homelessness won't help us to end it. This crisis has reached urgent levels. 300,000 households across Great Britain could be forced into homelessness next year because of the rising cost of living and the economic and social impacts of the pandemic.

Homelessness can't be ignored any longer.

So, Crisis is asking you to help. By not ignoring it. By starting a conversation today.

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This Christmas, we want to make the reality of those experiencing homelessness impossible to ignore. Because only when we engage with an issue, can we make a change.

Real life stories

One of the best things I’ve gained is knowing that there is going to be someone there for me. I’ve never really had a sustainable network of support before.

Danny sought help after he experienced homelessness when his marriage broke down. With support from Crisis, he found a house where his daughter can stay, and got a job with a social enterprise producing handmade soap.

If it wasn’t for Crisis, God knows where I would be. I had a dedicated coach who helped me with everything.

Until coming to Crisis, Carolina had been continually at risk of homelessness since fleeing an abusive relationship in Ecuador 23 years ago. Today, she is in social housing provided by a Housing Association. She has also started volunteering at a Crisis shop.

Real life stories

About homelessness

Homelessness is devastating, dangerous and isolating.

Our annual research, the Homelessness Monitor: Great Britain, shows how the cost of living crisis, rising rents and the withdrawal of emergency measures in place during the pandemic could force 300,000 households into homelessness in 2023.

Read more about the causes and different types of homelessness.

Find out more

young homeless women

Donate to Crisis at Christmas

Standing with people to show we care has never been more urgent.

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