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Photography challenge

Tom Oldham, Sony photographer of the Year, sets a challenge to accompany the Wellbeing Wednesdays series

Entries open from 17th Feb - 11th March. Prizes announced at the final session 17th March.

Sony World Open Photographer of The Year 2020 Tom Oldham is a London-based portrait photographer, shooting portraits of musicians, sports stars and all sorts of talented folk in locations across the nation and worldwide. It's a great gig.

Tom’s brief

As an exercise in getting out and documenting your surroundings, I’d really like you to shoot one, or all, of the five stages of wellbeing. This could be represented in a straightforward way, by photographing what you experience whilst exercising, or a moment of connection you feel with someone (you could even shoot their portrait if you’re feeling brave and they’re ok with it) or a moment of calm reflection as you take notice of your feelings.

It could also be abstract – something that surprises you unexpectedly bring you joy and a location where you felt especially present. Capturing atmosphere is hard but your explanation will hopefully shed some light on why and how this occurred – or leave us guessing!

Submitting your entry  

Send entries to by 11th March.

Don’t forget to say which category it represents. There will be a prize winner in each category. Prizes include a pocket-sized digital camera, cookbooks, coffee packs and more.  

Tom's top photography tips

Watch Tom’s top tips recorded especially for you
