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Street Support West Midlands- a new resource to find help and give help

Street Support Network is a digital platform that provides online directories for homelessness and related services in multiple locations in England and Wales.


Following huge successes in other cities across the country, Street Support West Midlands has now been launched and is already rapidly becoming the key live portal for accurate up‐to‐date information for people experiencing homelessness and for support workers working to help meet people’s needs.

Street Support West Midlands

In 2021 West Midlands Combined Authority got in touch with Street Support to ask them to create online directories for each of the seven local authority areas in the WMCA as well as a landing page for the CA region. Street Support West Midlands officially launched in February 2023 in partnership with Crisis Skylight Birmingham and we would love this resource to be utilised by organisations, those who are in need, businesses, front line agencies and members of the public to get the help they need. 


The organisations we have listed on Street Support are charities, CICs, commissioned services etc that are either directly working with people who are experiencing homelessness to relieve their situation or those whose services can help to prevent someone experiencing homelessness.

The local sites can be found here


Designed to be a central place for people across the West Midlands to easily find help if they are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness, Street Support West Midlands provides a comprehensive directory of support and advice around housing, addiction, relationship support, food poverty and cost of living support plus much more. Services are searchable by category, postcode or organisation. 

In addition to finding help, individuals, community groups, and businesses can also offer support through volunteering, donating items or donating money to the charities listed. We are delighted that Street Support Network is now available in the West Midlands. It now shows all the help that’s out there in the region in a simple and accessible way, for those who are experiencing homelessness and for those at risk of homelessness who need to find help. Crucially it also lists what is needed by local homelessness charities and voluntary groups, so the public and businesses can help at this critical time. It’s the ‘one place’ to go to find out about homelessness in the West Midlands and do something to help.

Take a look at this fantastic piece from WMCA Homelessness Taskforce on why homelessness is everybody’s business.

It covers what you should know, why you should know it, and reminds us that Street Support Network really is for everyone 💚