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East Renfrewshire Council Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme

Project summary

East Renfrewshire Council fund a rent deposit guarantee scheme which is delivered through East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)


Who is eligible?

To be eligible for this scheme, applicants must have an assessed housing need and be able to afford rent but have insufficient funds to cover upfront costs for accessing private rented accommodation.

Client services
  • Deposit guarantee

How are referrals made

Anyone who presents to CAB will be referred back to the Housing Options team at East Renfrewhsire Council.


Landlord services
  • Deposit guarantee
Other information

Organisation: East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

Project: Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme

Type of organisation: Voluntary sector

Last updated: 26/04/2023 08:12

Local Authority: East Renfrewshire
