Burnley Borough Council Bond Scheme
Project summary
The Bond Guarantee Scheme is designed to help people secure rented accommodation in the private sector whether via letting agents or private landlords in circumstances where people cannot afford to pay a bond.
Who is eligible?
Eligibility criteria:-
You must be:
• Be aged 16 or over
• Be on a low income or receiving benefits/unable to raise a sufficient bond
• Be homeless or threatened with homelessness
• Have lived in Burnley for the last 6 months, 3 of the last 5 years or work in Burnley
• Able to afford the rent on the property you wish to use the bond for
Client services
Check with the Housing Advice team for services provided other than the bond scheme.
- Bond Guarantee
How are referrals made
Via the Housing Advice team, ask for application form.
Other information
Type of organisation: Local Authority
Last updated: 26/04/2023 08:14
Local Authority: Burnley Borough Council