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Homelessness prevention guide

Explore over 75 practical examples of ways to prevent homelessness

Our guide, 75 ways to prevent homelessness, brings together a collection of homelessness prevention projects from Scotland and beyond. It is designed to inform and inspire practice.

This interactive online version of the guide has been updated to include even more examples. We hope it serves as a library that you can share and return to. Find out more about preventing homelessness.

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Example projects

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List of projects

Aberdeenshire Council

Preventative use of Housing First support - Find out more

  • When: Within 56 days, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Individual/family support, Specialist assessment, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: Scotland

Action for Children

Targeted upstream support for families in PRS - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Children & Families, Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Individual/family support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Property enhancement/furniture, Financial support, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: Scotland

Action for Children and West Dumbartonshire Council

Youth housing options - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Education, Housing
  • Who: Young people
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Training/awareness-raising, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland

akt (albert kennedy trust)

Digital support for at risk LGBTQ+ young people - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: LGBTQ+, Young people
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Digital support, Mediation/befriending/mentoring, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: England

Angus Council & Scottish Prisons Service (SPS)

Multi-agency (entry/exit) prisons protocol -  Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Justice
  • Which: Institutional transitions
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Housing supply/options/allocation, Property enhancement/furniture

Argyll & Bute Council

Flexible decor & move-in fund - Find out more

  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Property enhancement/furniture, Financial support
  • When: Recovery
  • Region: Scotland

Aspire Oxford

Connecting people with support further  …upstream - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months
  • Where: Community
  • Who: No recourse to public funds, Domestic abuse, Social tenants, Young people, Private tenants, Non-UK Nationals, Children & Families, Multiple, complex needs, LGBTQ+, Care experience, Minority Ethnic Groups, Financial difficulties, First-time tenants, New tenants leaving homelessness
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Peer support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: England

Ayr Housing Aid Centre

Preventing avoidable homelessness for people in prison - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Justice
  • Which: Institutional transitions
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Onward referral, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach

Bethany Christian Trust

Volunteer community befriending - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Community
  • Who: No recourse to public funds, Social tenants, Young people, Private tenants, Non-UK Nationals, Children & Families, Multiple, complex needs, LGBTQ+, Care experience, Minority Ethnic Groups, Financial difficulties, First-time tenants, New tenants leaving homelessness
  • Which: Private rented sector, Social rented sector, Owner occupation
  • What: Mediation/befriending/mentoring

Citizen Housing

Fresh Start re-let standard - Find out more

  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Property enhancement/furniture
  • When: Recovery
  • Region: England

City of Edinburgh Council

Dedicated PRS prevention team - Find out more

  • When: Within 56 days, Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector, PSR/Mid-Market
  • What: Financial support, Onward referral, Housing supply/options/allocation, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: Scotland

City of Edinburgh Council

Multi-disciplinary team approach to engaging tenants at risk of eviction - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Specialist assessment, Specialist support, Financial support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: Scotland

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar & Hebridean Housing Partnership

An earlier & enhanced Section 11 process - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: Scotland

Community Housing Advice Initiative (CHAI) & Children First

Embedded advice & support for parents in schools - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Education
  • Who: Children & Families, Care experience
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Individual/family support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: Scotland

Connection Support Oxford

Embedded housing workers in children's social work teams - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Who: Children & Families
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Training/awareness-raising, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: England
  • Where: Social Security/Welfare

Connection Support Oxford

Embedded housing workers in hospitals - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Health and Social Care
  • Which: Institutional transitions
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Onward referral, Training/awareness-raising, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: England
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs

Cornwall Council / Policy in Practice

Using data analytics to target discretionary funds - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Social Security/Welfare
  • Who: Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Financial support, Onward referral, Data analytics
  • Region: England

Crisis Skylight Edinburgh & Jobcentre Plus (JCP)

Co-located housing workers in Jobcentres - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Social Security/Welfare
  • Who: Financial difficulties
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Training/awareness-raising, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: Scotland

Cyrenians East Lothian

Mediation & family support - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Education
  • Who: Children & Families, Young people
  • Which: Family home
  • What: Individual/family support, Mediation/befriending/mentoring, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: Scotland

Decent & Safe Homes (DASH)

Landlord-facing pre-notice support service - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Specialist assessment, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Mediation/befriending/mentoring
  • Region: England

Dumfries & Galloway Citizens Advice Service (DAGCAS)

In-court advice for repossession cases - Find out more

  • When: Crisis
  • Where: Justice
  • Which: Social rented sector, Private rented sector, Owner occupation
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Onward referral, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: Scotland

Derby City Council

Local Area Coordination: place-based support - Find out more

  • When: Upstream, Recovery
  • Where: Community
  • Who: New tenants leaving homelessness, First-time tenants, Financial difficulties, Minority Ethnic Groups, Care experience, LGBTQ+, Multiple, complex needs, Children & Families, Non-UK Nationals, Private tenants, Young people, Social tenants, No recourse to public funds, Domestic abuse
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: England

Durham Constabulary

A public health approach to low level offending - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Justice
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Specialist assessment, Individual/family support, Peer support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: England

East Ayrshire Council

Engaging with Gypsy / Travellers & roadside encampments - Find out more

  • When: Upstream
  • Where: Community
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Mobile housing, Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Training/awareness-raising, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland
  • Who: Minority Ethnic Groups

East Ayrshire Council

Neighbourhood coaches - not housing officers - Find out more

  • When: Within 56 days, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Person-centred housing management
  • Region: Scotland

Finnish Youth Housing Association (NAL)

Affordable homes for young people on lower incomes - Find out more

  • When: Upstream
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Young people
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Housing supply/options/allocation, Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support
  • Region: International

Glasgow City Council

Referral-led PRS prevention team - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Specialist support, Specialist assessment, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Training/awareness-raising, Property enhancement/furniture
  • Region: Scotland

Glasgow City Council, MEARS Group + UK Home Office

Partnership approach to designing out homelessness for refugees - Find out more

  • When: Crisis
  • Who: Non-UK Nationals
  • Which: Institutional transitions
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland

Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership (H&SCP)

Embedded welfare advice in GP surgeries - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Health and Social Care
  • Who: Financial difficulties, Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Onward referral, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: Scotland

Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) & NHS

Health visitors & housing link worker - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Children & Families
  • Which: Owner occupation, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Onward referral, Training/awareness-raising, Individual/family support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: Scotland

Highland Council

Engaging those disengaged from services - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Community
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: Scotland

Housing Rights Northern Ireland

Private landlord-tenant mediation - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Mediation/befriending/mentoring
  • Region: Northern Ireland

Hull City Council

Shared social housing for young people - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Young people, Care experience, Non-UK Nationals
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Individual/family support, Housing supply/options/allocation, Mediation/befriending/mentoring
  • Region: England

Inspiring Scotland / Bethany Christian Trust

Long-term, place-based community-led work in Leith - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Community
  • Who: New tenants leaving homelessness, First-time tenants, Financial difficulties, Minority Ethnic Groups, Care experience, LGBTQ+, Multiple, complex needs, Children & Families, Non-UK Nationals, Private tenants, Young people, Social tenants, No recourse to public funds, Domestic abuse
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Peer support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: Scotland

Jigsaw Homes

Reducing repeat homelessness for women in the criminal justice system - Find out more

  • When: Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Individual/family support, Specialist assessment, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Housing supply/options/allocation

Leeds City Council

Landlord Support Team - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Private tenants, Social tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Specialist support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: England

Linstone Housing Association & Renfrewshire H&SCP

Multi-tenure health & housing hub - Find out more

  • When: Upstream, Within 56 days
  • Where: Health and Social Care
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: Scotland
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs


Universal schools-based early intervention - Find out more

  • When: Upstream
  • Where: Education
  • Who: Children & Families, Young people
  • Which: Family home
  • What: Individual/family support, Mediation/befriending/mentoring, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: Wales

Llamau & the IRIS programme

GP training & referral pathway for women experiencing DVA - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Health and Social Care
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Specialist support, Training/awareness-raising, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Onward referral, Housing supply/options/allocation, Property enhancement/furniture, Specialist assessment
  • Region: Wales
  • Who: Domestic abuse

Llamau & Newport City Council

Specialist domestic abuse service, co-located in housing options team - Find out more

  • When: Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Specialist assessment, Specialist support, Individual/family support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Onward referral, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Wales
  • Who: Domestic abuse

London Borough of Barking & Dagenham

Community Solutions approach to early intervention - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Community
  • Who: New tenants leaving homelessness, First-time tenants, Financial difficulties, Minority Ethnic Groups, Care experience, LGBTQ+, Multiple, complex needs, Children & Families, Non-UK Nationals, Private tenants, Young people, Social tenants, No recourse to public funds, Domestic abuse
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Financial support, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Housing supply/options/allocation, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Data analytics
  • Region: England

London Borough of Lewisham

Co-ordinated approach to engaging people with hoarding tendencies - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing, Health and Social Care
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Specialist support, Specialist assessment, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Training/awareness-raising, Onward referral
  • Region: England
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs

Maidstone Borough Council / xantura

Using predictive analytics to target earlier help - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months
  • Where: Social Security/Welfare
  • Who: New tenants leaving homelessness, First-time tenants, Financial difficulties, Minority Ethnic Groups, Care experience, LGBTQ+, Multiple, complex needs, Children & Families, Non-UK Nationals, Private tenants, Young people, Social tenants, No recourse to public funds, Domestic abuse
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Financial support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Data analytics
  • Region: England

Medics Against Violence

Navigators in the Emergency Department - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Health and Social Care
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Peer support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: Scotland

Midlothian Council & the House Project

Settled homes for care leavers with peer support - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Who: Children & Families, Young people, Care experience
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Specialist assessment, Individual/family support, Peer support, Training/awareness-raising, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Housing supply/options/allocation, Property enhancement/furniture
  • Region: Scotland

Moray Council

Co-located Occupational Therapist in housing team - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Housing, Health and Social Care
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Specialist assessment, Training/awareness-raising, Onward referral, Housing supply/options/allocation, Property enhancement/furniture, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: Scotland
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs

Newcastle Furniture Service

Flexible furnished tenancy rental - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • What: Property enhancement/furniture
  • Region: England

North Lanarkshire Council

Maximising the potential of the Scottish Welfare Fund - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Social Security/Welfare
  • Who: New tenants leaving homelessness, First-time tenants, Financial difficulties, Minority Ethnic Groups, Care experience, LGBTQ+, Multiple, complex needs, Children & Families, Non-UK Nationals, Private tenants, Young people, Social tenants, No recourse to public funds, Domestic abuse
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Financial support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Training/awareness-raising
  • Region: Scotland

Oxfordshire Homeless Movement

Partnership approach to housing people with no recourse to public funds - Find out more

  • When: Crisis, Recovery
  • Where: Community
  • Who: Non-UK Nationals
  • Which: Private rented sector, Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Specialist support, Specialist assessment, Peer support, Financial support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Housing supply/options/allocation

Perth & Kinross Council

Facilitated access to private renting as a preventative approach - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Financial support, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland

Pobl Group

Holistic support for families engaged in antisocial behaviour - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Children & Families, Multiple, complex needs
  • What: Individual/family support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Onward referral, Financial support, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Which: Rented/Owned
  • Region: Wales

Queens Cross Housing Association

Early intervention approach minimising arrears, evictions & abandonments - Find out more

  • When: Within 56 days, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Person-centred housing management
  • Region: Scotland

Rock Trust & Almond Housing Association

Preventative Housing First for care experienced young people - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Young people, Care experience, Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Individual/family support, Specialist assessment, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Property enhancement/furniture, Onward referral, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland

Rock Trust & West Lothian Council

Community hosting for young people in crisis - Find out more

  • When: Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Young people
  • Which: Family home
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Financial support, Housing supply/options/allocation, Individual/family support
  • Region: Scotland

Rowan Alba & Bield Housing Association

Preventing repeat homelessness: a housing-led alternative to Housing First - Find out more

  • When: Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Supported housing
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Specialist assessment, Specialist support, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland

Safer London

Pan-London social housing reciprocal for victims of violence/abuse - Find out more

  • When: Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Who: Domestic abuse
  • Region: England

Scottish Borders Council

Safer housing options for women experiencing domestic abuse - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Training/awareness-raising, Specialist assessment, Specialist support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Property enhancement/furniture, Person-centred housing management, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland
  • Who: Domestic abuse


First tenancy support for at risk young people - Find out more

  • When: Crisis, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Young people, Care experience
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Peer support
  • Region: England

Shetland Islands Council

Preventative social housing allocation - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland

Simon Community Scotland (SCS)

Shared living: flat-shares with support - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Young people
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Housing supply/options/allocation, Mediation/befriending/mentoring
  • Region: Scotland

South Lanarkshire Council

Intensive support for families engaged in antisocial behaviour - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Children & Families, Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Social rented sector, Temp. Accommodation
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Onward referral
  • Region: Scotland

South Lanarkshire Council

Psychologically informed rent collection, reducing evictions - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Person-centred housing management, Financial support
  • Region: Scotland

South Norfolk Council

Help Hubs & community connectors - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Community
  • Who: New tenants leaving homelessness, First-time tenants, Financial difficulties, Minority Ethnic Groups, Care experience, LGBTQ+, Multiple, complex needs, Children & Families, Non-UK Nationals, Private tenants, Young people, Social tenants, No recourse to public funds, Domestic abuse
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Specialist assessment, Specialist support, Financial support, Onward referral, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: England

South Yorkshire Housing Association

Person-centred housing management, minimising evictions & abandonments - Find out more

  • When: Within 56 days, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Social tenants
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Person-centred housing management
  • Region: England

Standing Together

Sanctuary Scheme for survivors of domestic abuse - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Owner occupation, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Training/awareness-raising, Specialist assessment, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Property enhancement/furniture, Specialist support
  • Region: England

Street Connect

Faith-based, community led recovery support - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Where: Community
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Specialist support, Peer support, Onward referral, Mediation/befriending/mentoring
  • Region: Scotland
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs

Sufra NW London

In-house welfare & housing advice in local foodbank - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis
  • Where: Community
  • Who: Financial difficulties, Non-UK Nationals
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Peer support, Onward referral, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: England

Swansea Council & Barnardos

Integrated youth hub for 16-21s - Find out more

  • When: Pan
  • Who: Children & Families, Young people
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Specialist assessment, Individual/family support, Digital support, Mediation/befriending/mentoring, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Onward referral, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Housing supply/options/allocation, Person-centred housing management
  • Region: Wales

The Bridge (East Midlands)

Independent Tenancy Relations service - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Mediation/befriending/mentoring, Onward referral, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: England

The Bridge (East Midlands)

Early intervention mediation - Find out more

  • When: Upstream, Within 6 months
  • Where: Education
  • Who: Children & Families, Young people
  • Which: Family home
  • What: Individual/family support, Mediation/befriending/mentoring, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach, Info/advice/advocacy
  • Region: England

The Money House

Immersive financial literacy programme - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Community
  • Who: Young people
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Training/awareness-raising
  • Region: England

The Wallich

Advice & support service for both tenants & landlords - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Crisis, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Who: Private tenants
  • Which: Private rented sector
  • What: Individual/family support, Specialist assessment, Mediation/befriending/mentoring
  • Region: Wales
  • Topics - Housing Centre Guides: Help-to-Rent

Turning Point Scotland (TPS)

Assertive support for people in any out of hours crisis - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Prevention guide filters: When
  • Where: Community
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs
  • Which: Multi-tenure, Social rented sector, Private rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Individual/family support, Onward referral, Peer support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement
  • Region: Scotland

Wakefield District Housing (WDH)

Mental health navigators - Find out more

  • When: Within 56 days
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Specialist assessment, Specialist support, Onward referral, Person-centred housing management, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Co-location/embedding/Hub Approach
  • Region: England
  • Who: Multiple, complex needs

West Dunbartonshire Council

Holistic domestic abuse approach, covering victims & perpetrators - Find out more

  • When: Within 6 months, Recovery
  • Where: Housing
  • Which: Social rented sector
  • What: Info/advice/advocacy, Training/awareness-raising, Specialist assessment, Specialist support, Navigation co-ordination/engagement, Property enhancement/furniture, Person-centred housing management, Housing supply/options/allocation
  • Region: Scotland
  • Who: Domestic abuse
