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A shortage of homes and high rents both cause homelessness. These issues also make it difficult for people to move on from homelessness into a stable home.

How can this be solved?

We are calling on governments across the UK to provide more low cost housing for people who need it. To deliver more social rented homes, including by using long-term empty homes. Rents should be set at levels that people on low incomes can afford, or benefit rules should be changed. Councils, housing associations and private landlords must all make sure that their properties are of a decent standard. People should not have to move every few months. We want to see more schemes that help people who have experienced homelessness find and keep accommodation.

Join the conversation

How this impacts homelessness

Our evidence on the different types of housing available in the UK and barriers to accessing them.



of private landlords will let their properties to homeless people

Six out of ten councils find it hard to access social tenancies for homeless people. Find out more about social housing.


CAMPAIGN WIN: Together, we convinced the Chancellor to help homeless people rent.


Campaign successes


We are sometimes accused of wanting too much policy-change on homelessness. Civil servants especially, can find lists of principled demands exasperating when set against the realities and political limitations they face. Perhaps a good question to ask in the new year is whether there are policies, successes that can be built on?


No one should be forced to face incredible dangers every day because they cannot afford to keep a...


It is time to repeal the Vagrancy Act, yes. But if the answer was ever about whether to criminalise people, then we have been asking the wrong question. If we can see our way past labelling, grouping, dismissing, damning, pointlessly prosecuting and fining people, perhaps we can start answering the right question. What help and support do people need to realise their potential, and how quickly can we get it to everyone that needs it?


What you can do

Volunteer with Crisis

You are part of ending homelessness, one journey at a time.

Volunteer with Crisis

We campaign for the changes needed to end homelessness for good.
