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Homelessness Forum

The Brent Homelessness Forum brings together partners across Brent to work together to end homelessness – focusing specifically on preventing and responding to homelessness, including the provision of suitable accommodation. In particular, it is the main opportunity for the local authority and the local voluntary and community sector to share learning and hold each other to account in the shared mission to end homelessness.

Participation is open to all individuals, agencies and organisations aligned to the purpose of the forum. Meetings are held every two months – you can sign up for the next one by emailing us.


  • Improve access to information, best practice and exchange of learning
  • Create and strengthen partnerships, co-operation and coordination of activities between forum members and others working with homeless people in Brent
  • Review, respond and scrutinise local implications and implementation of policies and strategies; and support the delivery of the homelessness strategy
  • Develop and promote solutions to key issues affecting people experiencing homelessness and those who are at risk of homelessness, possibly via task and finish groups

Expectation of Members

  • To act as an organisational link on issues surrounding homelessness and joint working with other partners of the forum.
  • To be clear about their role and who they represent
  • To agree with, practise and champion the safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults and the inclusion of all groups and people
  • To maintain a focus on ending homelessness in Brent and actively shaping services to help this happen