APPG Inaugural Meeting 2024
On Wednesday September 11 2024 the APPG for Ending Homelessness held its inaugural meeting this parliament.
Paula Barker MP and Bob Blackman MP were elected as Co-Chairs and David Smith MP and Emily Darlington MP as vice-chairs.
The group heard from Manoel, a Lived Experience campaigner who spoke about his experiences of living in temporary accommodation.
The group also heard from Jasmine Basran, Crisis’ Head of Policy and Campaigns, about the current state of homelessness in Britain.
The APPG now has 30 members and will be looking to ensure that the Government delivers on its manifesto pledge to get Britain on track for ending homelessness.
The group will do this by linking parliamentarians to best practice in sustainably ending homelessness in the sector, gathering information on the challenges facing people facing homelessness, and campaigning for change where necessary.
Full minutes on the meeting will be made available shortly.