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Homelessness can't be ignored any longer

Homelessness can be overwhelming. It can be uncomfortable to confront. Sometimes the more we see it, the more we want to look away. But ignoring homelessness won't help us to end it. 

Homelessness can't be ignored any longer.

So, Crisis is asking you to help. By not ignoring it. By starting a conversation today.

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In 2022, we made the reality of those experiencing homelessness impossible to ignore. Because only when we engage with an issue, can we make a change.

Meet Alex

We've collaborated with artist Sophie de Oliveira Barata to create a giant, life-like human sculpture, representing multiple, real people who have lived experience of homelessness. The sculpture, named Alex, has been designed to stop people in their tracks and force them to confront the issue now staring them in the face.


About homelessness


Homelessness is devastating, dangerous and isolating.

Our annual research, the Homelessness Monitor: Great Britain, shows how the cost of living crisis, rising rents and the withdrawal of emergency measures could force more households into homelessness.

Read more about the causes and different types of homelessness.

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