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MPs are in for a future free from homelessness

Rosie Perkins, Campaigns Manager

MPs are in for a future free from homelessness

On 29 April 2024, we took our Make History campaign directly to Parliament and hosted a reception for MPs to learn more about homelessness and how the next Westminster Government can end it.  

Make History is an urgent call to all political parties, asking them to commit to ending homelessness, and importantly, implement the achievable solutions to do so at the upcoming general election.

More than 3,000 Crisis supporters invited their MP to attend the event through our campaign action and many MPs told us they were moved by these invites to attend the event.

Thanks to our amazing campaigners, we met with over 30 MPs from all three of the major parties in England – a huge success!

Bringing the reality of homelessness to Parliament

We showed MPs the shocking reality of homelessness through stories and artwork from members who have endured months of uncertainty in unsuitable temporary accommodation. We're so thankful for the Crisis members who generously shared their stories and artwork with us.

Crisis’ Experts by Experience, Joan and Manoel, attended the event to share their stories, experiences and perspectives with MPs. Joan gave the keynote speech, asking MPs to imagine life in unsuitable temporary accommodation before urging all MPs to come together to tackle homelessness.

Joan, a Crisis Expert by Experience, standing at a lectern delivering a speech

Joan said: "Don't attack each other, attack the issue."

Over the past few weeks, supporters and customers in our shops have been sharing what home means to them. We displayed a selection of these thoughts at the event, and it was great to see MPs reflect on how home, for so many of us, means safety and sanctuary.

A board with handwritten messages about what home means


We all need a safe and secure home to live happy and healthy lives. But there are currently over 112,000 households trapped in temporary accommodation in England, stuck in limbo, and more than 3,000 people sleeping rough on our streets. It's unacceptable.

So what can we do to end homelessness?

Through years of working to support people out of homelessness and research on what works, we have the solutions we know can end homelessness.

We’ve set these out in our Manifesto to Make History and Build a Future Free from Homelessness.

We took this manifesto to Parliament and spoke to MPs about our key ask that the next Westminster Government commit to ending all forms of homelessness in the next 10 years.

The strategy to get there should be made up of 3 key pillars:

  1. Ending homelessness with homes,
  2. Urgent support for people at greatest risk of homelessness,
  3. Fixing the health, welfare and homelessness systems for the long term.

We know that such a bold commitment to end homelessness requires collaboration across government departments and leadership from the heart of government.

That’s why we’re asking that the next Westminster Government establish a dedicated Office for Ending Homelessness.

To help MPs see what this could look like and learn from previous government action to reduce homelessness, Crisis Chief Executive, Matt Downie, chaired a panel discussion with former Government ministers, Baroness Hilary Armstrong and Sir David Lidington KCB.

They shared their insights from working to tackle homelessness from the centre of Government. Their advice was to look at building the truly affordable housing we need to end homelessness, taking opportunities to prevent homelessness upon leaving public institutions, and providing proper investment and backing for multi-agency, holistic support services.

So what’s next for the campaign

Many MPs were keen to pledge that they’re in for a future free from homelessness.


Paula Barker MP and Bob Blackman MP holdings signs that say 'I'm in for a future free from homelessness'

Here's Paula Barker MP and Bob Blackman MP, co-chairs of the APPG for Ending Homelessness, pledging that they’re in for a future free from homelessness.

With a general election round the corner, MPs have a powerful role in influencing and shaping their parties thinking to make the bold commitments we want to see to ending all forms of homelessness in election manifestos – so their support is incredibly helpful.

We know that parties are preparing these election manifestos ready for when a general election is called. So, there’s still time to demonstrate how important this issue is to the people they want to represent.

We’re showing political parties that winning our votes means a commitment to ending homelessness. Nearly 10,000 of our supporters, lived experience campaigners and celebrities have signed.

Are you in for a future free from homelessness? If you haven’t already, please sign our open letter.

Sign the open letter

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