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Ian Pendlington

Blogger profile

Former Public Affairs Officer , Crisis

Blogs from this author

The past week has been very significant for Crisis in our key Home. No less will do campaign which calls on the Government to fund Help to Rent projects, and a national rent deposit scheme ahead of the Budget statement on 22 November.


Today the Government will announce details of its Budget, just a few days after the Prime Minister has promised to take “personal charge” of her mission to build more homes across the UK.


This week, two important Parliamentary Committees in Westminster heard evidence from Crisis on the drivers and impact of homelessness. Chief Executive, Jon Sparkes appeared before the influential and respected Public Accounts Committee (PAC), who were securitising how efficiently public money has been spent on preventing and tackling homelessness. Meanwhile, Matt Downie, Director of Policy and External Affairs, spoke to the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee inquiry session on the Homelessness Code of Guidance.
