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Alastair Stewart thanks People's Postcode Lottery players

2020 was a challenging year for all of us, but when facing hardship so many people chose to reach out and help others.

Players of People's Postcode Lottery have continued to support Crisis throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and over Christmas, players' support helped provide people experiencing homelessness with warmth, comfort, safety and hope for the future.

Thanks to 1,102 amazing volunteers, and the generosity of our amazing supporters, including players of People's Postcode Lottery, at Christmas we were able to provide support to 2,004 people experiencing homelessness.

Thank you for helping us to:

- Give 475 people somewhere safe to stay over Christmas in hotel accommodation
- Provide 597 one-to-one advice sessions on a wide range of specialist issues including housing, benefits and immigration
- Provide 402 telephone befriending sessions
- Give 2,004 people a wellbeing pack, including information and advice, toiletries, phone credit, face masks, creative activities and materials, chocolates and sweets, clothing such as socks and gloves, and Christmas cards with messages from Crisis supporters
- Help people with their health and wellbeing, including 140 health appointments such as remote physiotherapy
- Run 202 online sessions including creative activities, workshops and entertainment, which were attended 485 times
- Run digital inclusion sessions for 238 people, including advice on setting up an email address, reconnecting with friends and family, and finding information online
- Refer 229 people, who weren’t already Crisis members, to our case management team for support to access Crisis year-round services or other relevant services.

At Crisis, we are incredibly grateful for the support of players, and Crisis Ambassador Alastair Stewart wanted to share a special message for them:


As more people face the prospect of losing their home, the support of People's Postcode Lottery players will help us continue to be there, side by side, every step of the way, until everyone in our society has a place they can call home.

Jon Sparkes, Chief Executive of Crisis, adds:

"The last year has shown us all just how important it is to have a safe place to call home. It’s also highlighted just how dangerous it can be for people sleeping on the streets, in crowded shelters or going from sofa to sofa.

“Helping someone into long-term accommodation where they can start to rebuild their life and access vital support is the best way to make sure people are able to leave homelessness behind for good. 

“It’s because of the generous support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery that we have been able to provide this life-changing support to hundreds of people up and down the country, giving them hope of a future away from homelessness. On behalf of everyone at Crisis, I’d like to thank players for their continued support, helping us to be here for those who need us in now and in the future.”
