Players of People’s Postcode Lottery raise over £3 million for national homelessness charity Crisis
Crisis, the national charity for homeless people, is celebrating an impressive milestone this month thanks to the generosity of players of People’s Postcode Lottery, who have so far raised over £3 million for the charity.
Through a partnership with People’s Postcode Lottery, Crisis will use the funds raised by players to help extend the support it offers to people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. This partnership is already delivering important service transformation, helping many more people with complex needs take their first steps away from homelessness.
Last year alone, Crisis supported more than 10,000 people affected by homelessness across the country, providing one to one support, advice, and courses through their 11 centres in England, Wales and Scotland. This includes helping 832 people to find housing, and supporting 784 people into work.
The £3 million raised by players will fund a range of services for the charity, as well as helping it to gather further evidence about how to end homelessness. This includes additional mental health and housing support services, a number of trained psychologist posts, and a new pilot focused on those in the most vulnerable circumstances who are not eligible for help from their local councils.
The money raised will also be used to fund in-depth research about the scale of the homelessness crisis and its root causes, helping to bring about the changes needed to end it once and for all.
Richard Lee, Director of Fundraising at Crisis said: “We are so thankful to the players of People’s Postcode Lottery for their support. £3 million is a phenomenal amount to have raised and will go a long way in helping us to support more people out of homelessness for good.
“Homelessness is one of the most devastating experiences anyone could face, and has a huge impact on people's physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. But we know that is not inevitable and although it will take time, it can and must be ended across the UK.
“The generosity of players of People’s Postcode Lottery will help us get closer and closer to this goal. We are excited to build on our partnership and raise even more vital funds in the future.”
Hazel Johnstone, from the charities team at People’s Postcode Lottery, said: “Players can be proud that they are helping Crisis to work towards its goal of ending homelessness for good. £3 million is an incredible milestone and the impact this will have on the people accessing services provided by Crisis will be invaluable.”
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Notes to Editors
About the partnership
People’s Postcode Lottery has partnered with Crisis since August 2018. The charity and the people it supports have so far benefitted from over £3m raised by players since the first draw in November 2018.
About Crisis
Crisis is the national charity for homeless people. We help people directly out of homelessness, and campaign for the social changes needed to solve it altogether. We know that together we can end homelessness.
About People’s Postcode Lottery
People’s Postcode Lottery manages multiple society lotteries promoted by different charities and good causes. People play with their chosen postcodes for a chance to win cash prizes. A minimum of 32% from each subscription goes directly to charities and good causes across Great Britain and internationally -- players have raised £393 million so far. For details of the charities and good causes which are promoting and benefitting from the lottery draws, please visit
It costs £10 a month to play and winning postcodes are announced every day. The maximum amount a single ticket can win is 10% of the draw proceed. For details, please visit
New players can sign up to pay using direct debit by calling 0808 10 9 8 7 6 5. New players who sign up online at can pay using direct debit, debit card or PayPal.
Postcode Lottery Limited is regulated by the Gambling Commission under licence numbers: 000-000829-N-102511 and 000-000829-R-102513. Registered office: Titchfield House, 69/85 Tabernacle Street, London, EC2A 4RR
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