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Together we will end homelessness

Thank you

Thank you for being part of the Crisis community.

Your support ensures people can find safe, decent and affordable homes as quickly as possible. You'll find here more about Crisis’ work and how your gifts are making a difference in ending homelessness for good.

- Élise & Hannah

Three steps to help people end their homelessness for good


Your generosity ensures people can find safe, decent and affordable homes as quickly as possible.

Here’s how we do it:


Assessment and engagement

When someone comes through our door, they are treated as an individual, with dignity and respect.

They are firstly welcomed by our assessment and engagement team who will get to know the person. Where we are confident a person can be supported by another service, we will refer and signpost them onwards.

As a result, we provide advice and guidance to over 8,000 people a year who are facing homelessness, and 5,000 of those receive personalised ongoing support directly from Crisis and become Crisis members.

Intensive case management

The way we work is unique to each person we support. Your donations help Crisis members leave homelessness behind for good by matching each person with the right Crisis Lead Worker based on their needs.

Members supported by our Intensive Case Management Lead Workers will often have a long history of social isolation, learning difficulties, significant contact with the legal system, mental health diagnosis or drug and alcohol dependency. Using the progression and learning plan, we work with members across all areas of support they need.

Structured coaching

Structured coaching is used to support members who are more able to navigate the systems and processes needed to end their homelessness.

Working closely with their assigned Lead Worker, members receive intensive and tailored one-to-one support and coaching. By focusing on their strengths and talents, we encourage members to build their skills and confidence, and empower them to make positive steps towards ending their homelessness.

Read Eva's story



“Crisis not only helped me with accommodation. They helped me find my way back to the right place where I really belong.” Eva, former Crisis member 

At 63 years old, Eva was made homeless when her husband forced her from their property. Originally from Greece, she had no family to turn to. Although she had settled status in the UK, she needed a new passport to complete the process. Without it, landlords would not engage with her. And when she turned to the local authority for help, they said she was not a priority. 

For four months, Eva stayed on a friend’s sofa. But when she had to leave, she was forced to rough sleep for several nights. 

“For the three days I lived on the road, I never closed my eyes because I didn’t know what was going to happen.” Eva

Thankfully, Eva spoke to a person working in a Crisis charity shop who advised her to contact the Crisis centre in London. And that’s when your generous support sprang into action. 

“Now, after 27 years in the UK, I have my first property. Crisis paid the deposit, one month rent in advance. They bought me a mattress, a bed sheet, pillows.” Eva




Crisis at Christmas


Every year since the 1960s, we run our well-known Crisis at Christmas services. We offer warmth, accommodation, healthcare, food and specialist advice to people who urgently need our support.

These vital Christmas services can be the first step that starts someone’s journey to a life beyond homelessness. Thanks to donations from kind people like you we can help people experiencing homelessness into employment, housing and to improve their wellbeing, life skills and confidence. It’s an approach that works. Most people who stay in our hotels at Christmas and engage with us do not return to the streets.

In 2024, we worked with over 5,500 people facing homelessness through our day centres and hotels in London, and Crisis Skylight centres across Britain.

Read more about Crisis at Christmas




Watch our Christmas 2024 video: 

Campaigning to end homelessness




Homelessness is not inevitable. With collective action and political will, we can end it once and for all. We campaign for the political changes needed to end homelessness for good.

We use research and evidence to campaign for policy change in England, Scotland and Wales on a range of issues including benefits and employment, health and wellbeing, housing, law and rights, and rough sleeping.

Your support is helping get closer to ending homelessness.




Explore the campaign successes that have taken us closer to ending homelessness, for good.
Life in Limbo

Support for our Life in Limbo campaign brought about a change in legislation in Scotland, which meant no one in Scotland should have to live in unsuitable temporary accommodation such as B&Bs, for more than seven days.  

Domestic Abuse Bill

People like you successfully campaigned for the UK Government to amend the Domestic Abuse Bill so that anyone made homeless in England due to domestic abuse would have a legal right to housing.  

Scrap The Act

After decades of campaigning, we were successful in repealing the Vagrancy Act. This act made it a crime to sleep rough in England and Wales since 1824.

Regulate the Rogues

The supported Housing Act was signed into law, helping to improve the lives of people in unregulated exempt accommodation – a type of shred housing for people with support needs. The act will stop rogue landlords profiting while learning people to live in unsafe dangerous shared housing with little to no support.  

Venture Studio from Crisis




The Venture Studio from Crisis is here to invest in, build and scale ventures that accelerate the end of homelessness.

  • We end homelessness directly through our Changing Lives grant programme.
  • We support and invest in diverse founders who are preventing and ending homelessness at scale.
  • We build businesses from the ground up, within Crisis and in partnership with others.
  • We co-design solutions with people who experienced homelessness and nurture a community aligned in our vision to end homelessness.

Find out more about Changing Lives.






When Joan shared her passion for bridalwear with her Crisis coach Ed, she took the first step to a new career. With Ed’s encouragement, she applied for a Crisis Changing Lives grant, which helped her establish her dream of opening a bridal shop.  

“The grant does what is says. It changes lives.”  


Watch Joan's story: 

Our 10-year strategy

Our new 10-year strategy (launched at the end of July 2024) is focussed on thinking bigger to overcome barriers to progress, doing things differently to inspire success and backing others who are also determined to end homelessness. We are focussed on delivering long term solutions as quickly as possible. 



Our vision

In ten years, the number of people experiencing homelessness will be going down. This doesn’t mean no one will ever lose their home again. But there will be better ways to prevent it – and fast and practical solutions when it happens.  
We’ll make this happen by:   

  1. Securing policies that solve homelessness.  
  2. Delivering services that end homelessness for people and places.  
  3. Building a community of people across Britain helping to end homelessness.  

Read our 10-year strategy


Our impact

Each year we publish an impact report highlighting key areas of our work and how we improve the lives of homeless people. You can also download our annual accounts reports from this page.

Read our latest annual report and accounts

Get in touch

If you have questions about our work, your donations or the way we communicate with you, do not hesitate to contact Élise Lindron, who will be happy to help with any questions you have.


Élise Lindron, Stewardship Executive

Phone: 07977 067694

