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Hannah Gousy

Blogger profile

Head of Policy and Campaigns , Crisis

Hannah has worked at Crisis since 2014. She has recently completed a secondment to the Centre for Social Justice. Prior to Crisis Hannah worked at Shelter.

Blogs from this author

Today Phillip Hammond delivered his first Budget since the EU referendum. And we were watching cl...


After years of campaigning, we are celebrating the Homelessness Reduction Bill receiving Royal As...


As the legacy of Crisis’ 50th anniversary year, we plan to develop and publish an authoritative “Plan to End Homelessness” setting out what will need to be done in Great Britain if we are serious about ending homelessness once and for all – how long it would take, what investment and policies would be needed, and what role all of us will need to play.


To mark Crisis 50th Anniversary we are continuing with our drive to build momentum and support in...


Last week Crisis attended Conservative Party Conference to meet with MPs to help ensure that ending homelessness remains high on the political agenda. Many predicted that the conference would be dominated by Brexit and leadership tussles, and whilst there's no doubt these loomed large, we were also pleased to see homelessness and housing feature heavily.


This week the Greater London Authority (GLA) published figures showing that over the course of 20...


Ahead of the Budget, we called on the Government to focus its investment more sharply on interventions that prevent homelessness from occurring in the first place. The Westminster Government already invests £1.1bn every year in tackling homelessness. However, most of this investment is spent on helping people when they reach crisis point.


A new report published today by Crisis and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Ending Homelessn...


Over the past couple of weeks, I have been fortunate enough to travel round the US as a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellow to find out more about how other organisations are campaigning to build public and political support to end homelessness. One of the questions I was asked time and time again by the people I met, was why, when we have a housing benefit system based on need, does homelessness still exist in the UK?


The Coronavirus has ushered in unprecedented and uncertain times for all of us, but there’s no doubting that people facing homelessness are hit uniquely hard by the pandemic. Those forced to sleep rough are more likely to suffer from respiratory conditions and other illnesses that will make them particularly vulnerable to the virus.


In the past few weeks reports of domestic abuse have soared. The Coronavirus outbreak has laid bare the extreme dangers that people fleeing domestic abuse face, and has highlighted, now more than ever, the importance of guaranteeing people made homeless in this situation a legal right to safe, settled housing.


We’ve had some fantastic news this weekend. The government has announced that it will amend the D...
