Support members at our Crisis Skylight centres this spring

Your gift could help people out of homelessness


could ensure an advisor, the first point of contact for people who come to Crisis, can spend five full days welcoming people, listening to their stories, and providing them with options. 


could provide translation services in a Crisis Skylight for one month, so that we can provide support to people who do not speak English. 


could provide two weeks of support from our Intensive Case Management Team, who work with people facing complex barriers to move out of homelessness, such as poor mental health or substance use. 


could provide three people with one-to-one support from a lead worker for a year, enabling them to develop their plans, achieve their goals and build a life beyond homelessness.

Your gift keeps our Skylight centres running and helps people rebuild their lives

Across Britain, we run nine unique Crisis Skylight centres that deliver vital services and tailored one-to-one support to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.  

The first step at every Skylight centre is to secure permanent housing, because without a home, lasting change is impossible. 

Our Skylight centres are unique because they go beyond housing, also offering life-changing support such as provide access to healthcare, practical coaching, employment assistance and mental health support. 

With homelessness continuing to rise, more people urgently need our help to overcome the barriers that force them into homelessness, as well as support to rebuild their lives. 

A gift from you today will help keep our Skylight centres running and ensure members can work side-by-side with their dedicated Lead Workers to address their specific needs and end their homelessness for good. Thank you for making this possible. 

Abdul’s story: From heartbreak to happiness

Forced into homelessness

After his marriage broke down, Abdul was forced into homelessness. Abdul spent nine months sleeping rough, followed by stints in overcrowded and unsuitable accommodation that lacked privacy and badly affected his mental health. 

Meeting his Lead Worker changed everything 

But after meeting Lead Worker, Kaz, at the Skylight centre London, Abdul was able to develop a unique plan that would help him overcome the challenges he was facing. Kaz supported Abdul into a home and helped him get appropriate support to overcome trauma. 

A journey to healing 

Abdul has taken every opportunity that has come his way, attending weekly art classes, IT sessions and played football with Crisis. Through the workshops offered at the Skylight centre London, Abdul has rebuilt his confidence and developed his life-skills. He shared:

“I was a completely different person two years ago – no confidence, no trust in anyone, and a broken man. Because of Crisis, I feel like I’m someone and that makes me so happy.” 

Donate now

Watch Abdul’s story

How your support helps people out of homelessness

When someone comes to Crisis for help out of homelessness, they receive a warm welcome from a member of our Engagement and Assessment team. 

We talk through their situation and make sure that anyone who would benefit from services, support and advice elsewhere are signposted and referred. When we are best placed to help, we rapidly allocate a Lead Worker and they become a Crisis member. Abdul, former Crisis member shared: 

“When I first came to Crisis, it was like a big hug.”  

At our Skylight centres, Lead Workers work side by side with members to create unique plans that address their specific needs – from finding stable homes to accessing healthcare, gaining qualifications or securing employment. Abdul, former Crisis member shared: 

“I was heartbroken. I had no confidence in myself and didn’t trust anyone. I went to see a doctor and they told me about Crisis. I met my lead worker, Kaz, and everything changed. She made me a cup of tea and said she was going to get me a suitable home where I could feel safe.”  

Crisis members can engage with our learning and skills programmes while working with their Lead Workers. Programmes include vocational training, technical qualifications and equipment to help someone find their way back into employment.  

Crisis members can also take part in arts and wellbeing sessions, and practical sessions to help with finding, securing, and maintaining a home. 

Former Crisis member Abdul attended Crisis arts workshops that helped him find joy and regain his confidence. He also has benefitted from our IT sessions and played football with Crisis. 

The goal of all our work with Crisis members is for them to find a safe, decent, and affordable home. Abdul’s Lead Worker, Kaz, helped him to find a home. He shared:  

“I finally found a home and I love it. When you have somewhere to call home, it’s amazing. You feel safe and can do the things that you love and that makes you feel happy.” 

Why donate to Crisis

We are the national charity for people facing homelessness. We know that homelessness is not inevitable. We know that together we can end it.

Your donation helps to fund our year-round work with people experiencing homelessness. We offer individual tailored support to help people access benefits, healthcare services, employment opportunities, and more.

Our main aim is to relieve the huge pressure of homelessness, by helping people find safe and affordable homes.

We campaign on the political changes needed to end homelessness for good and conduct research to understand and highlight the scale, causes and consequences of homelessness.

How we spend your pound
A pie chart that describes how we spend your pound. For every £1 we spend, 61p of this goes on our charitable expenditure, 34p goes on fundraising and 4p on our charity shops.


For every £1 we spend on fundraising, we raise £3.14 to fund our charitable services.

Our fundraising promise

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and promise to be honest, respectful, and accountable in how we treat you.

Where we give example stories about our members, we promise these are genuine experiences, even if their names or photos are changed to respect their privacy.

Although we cannot guarantee your donation will be spent on specific items or services, we can guarantee your donation will be used wherever it is needed most to help our work all year round with people facing homelessness.

Contact our Supporter Care team

Please contact our supporter helpline if you have any questions about making a donation to Crisis. You can also contact us if you would like to change the way we communicate with you.
