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Our work in Scotland

We provide frontline services for people experiencing homelessness in Scotland, while campaigning for the national changes needed to end homelessness altogether.

Our Skylight, based on Edinburgh’s Canongate, provides advice, support and advocacy for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, while we also work across Scotland through our Best Practice team to identify, test and promote ways of ending homelessness.

Our Policy and Communications team is responsible for campaigning to bring about the structural changes needed to end homelessness altogether – our work led to the Scottish Government and COSLA publishing their plan to end homelessness, the first of its kind across Great Britain, and we are currently campaigning to change the law, to help prevent homelessness from happening in the first place.

The changes, contained in the Housing (Scotland) Bill could help build one of the most progressive homelessness systems in the world, and stop more people from experiencing the trauma and indignity of homelessness.

Crisis Skylight Edinburgh

Crisis Skylight Edinburgh works with people who are homeless and vulnerably housed. Our work is enhanced by a dedicated group of volunteers who help us at Christmas and all year round.

 Get help at Crisis Skylight Edinburgh

Homelessness Monitor in Scotland

The Homelessness Monitor provides an independent analysis of the impact on homelessness of recent economic and policy developments across the UK.

The Scotland report monitors the impact on homelessness of the slow pace of economic recovery and the effects of welfare and housing reform and analyses key trends. It also highlights emerging trends and forecasts some of the likely changes.

Ending homelessness in Scotland

Scotland has some of the strongest protections in the world for people experiencing homelessness. But while we made huge progress on reducing levels of homelessness in the past, people at risk of homelessness in Scotland are often unable to get help until it is too late.

That means that instead of getting support when they need it, emergency measures such as temporary accommodation have often become the default response to someone encountering problems with their housing.

That’s why we are campaigning for new measures to prevent homelessness – to stop more people from experiencing the trauma and indignity of homelessness.

Find out more about how Scotland can help prevent homelessness.


Homelessness is complex. People can become homeless for lots of different reasons. The journey out of homelessness is complex too. Issues such as the availability of affordable housing, legislation and the benefits system can cause and affect homelessness.  

In the homelessness knowledge hub you will find research about homelessness trends, the causes of homelessness and its impacts.

Our housing service breaks down the barriers homeless people face when finding a rented home by supporting social landlords and providing Renting Ready training for prospective tenants.

Contact us

Email: | Telephone: 0131 209 7700

For media enquiries contact the Crisis Press Office call 020 7426 3880 or email

(Out of hours 07973372587)


Crisis welcomes new amendments aimed at strengthening plans to help prevent more people being forced into homelessness


Senior policy officer Rhuaraidh Fleming on what we learned from Scottish Labour conference


New Scottish homelessness figures tell a story: Scotland has strong rights in place for people who are forced into homelessness, but we need to do more to stop it happening in the first place.


Crisis response to draft Scottish budget 2025-26 Maeve McGoldrick, head of policy and communicati...


Housing Bill passes first stage in Parliament, bringing us one step closer to changing the law to prevent homelessness in Scotland


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