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Crisis in Scotland

We provide direct support for homeless people and influence policy to help end homelessness in Scotland.

Together we will end homelessness in Scotland

We provide education, training and support for people experiencing homelessness, empowering them to move on from homelessness through our Edinburgh Skylight.

We work across Scotland through our Best Practice team, identifying, testing and promoting ways of ending homelessness and providing expertise, advice and support to partners to help make that happen.

We also campaign for the changes need to end homelessness in Scotland altogether. In our 50th year we produced a Plan to End homelessness, with our then Chief Executive Jon Sparkes chairing the Scottish Government’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group. This work led to the Scottish Government and COSLA publishing their plan to end homelessness, the first of its kind across Great Britain.

We know that the best way to end homelessness is to prevent it from happening in the first place. That’s why Crisis convened the Prevention Review Group, made up of experts from local government, academia and homelessness services, to set out recommendations on what action can be taken to stop people from losing their homes. The Scottish Government plan on introducing legislation based on these recommendations. These changes to the law represent the biggest change to the homelessness system in a generation and hold the potential to make Scotland a world leader in ending homelessness.

Crisis Skylight Edinburgh

Crisis Skylight Edinburgh works with people who are homeless and vulnerably housed. Our work is enhanced by a dedicated group of volunteers who help us at Christmas and all year round.


Viki's story
... I managed to get my own tenancy and Crisis supported me through that. Viki, Member Ambassador

Latest news

Recently at Crisis we ran some research based on detailed interviews with people with experience...


The Programme for Government and what it means for preventing homelessness Published this week, t...


People at risk of homelessness interact dozens of times with public services in health, justice a...


Homelessness Monitor in Scotland

The Homelessness Monitor provides an independent analysis of the impact on homelessness of recent economic and policy developments across the UK.

The Scotland report monitors the impact on homelessness of the slow pace of economic recovery and the effects of welfare and housing reform and analyses key trends. It also highlights emerging trends and forecasts some of the likely changes.



Local ways to get involved

Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Scotland

We know we can #EndHomelessness. But we need the political will and commitment to make it happen. Join our Everybody In campaign, and ask your politician to pledge their support for ending homelessness for good.

Are you in?
A life in limbo

Thanks to Crisis campaigners, the Scottish Government has agreed in principle to limit stays in unsuitable emergency accommodation to seven days for all homeless people. We'll continue to campaign to make sure this commitment becomes reality.Â

A life in limbo

Contact us

For media enquiries contact the Crisis Press Office call 020 7426 3880 or email (out of hours 07973 372587)
