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Aaron's story

When Aaron's relationship ended, he was left with no option but to sofa surf. 

“Sofa surfing was really unsteady. I could have been chucked out at any time. I never knew what was going to happen. I was living out of a suitcase or a bag, I couldn’t put my stuff anywhere, I had to ask permission to do anything, and couldn’t decorate how I liked.

Finally, he got a place in a hostel, and a friend told him about Crisis.

“It was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. If I needed clothes, food, phones, they’ve been able to help me. It’s been nice to have that support because, before that, I had nothing.”

Aaron has moved out of the hostel into a rented property now and he finished the courses he was doing with Crisis.

“Hannah did cooking with me. I had Renting Ready courses with Janet which prepare you for when you get your own place eventually. And then my coach Mike helped me through day-to-day problems."

“I can just imagine me finally being able to sit down and nobody can kick me out. I’m on my own, I’ve got my own space. I can go in the shower, come out and not have to worry. Just basic living things I should have had anyway, I’ll finally have, which would be amazing."

"University looks amazing, I would like to go away for that. I can't focus on anything just yet because of my mental health but as soon as I f figure out what I want to do, then I probably will go into university. I need to find that thing I'm really interested in first. Maybe it's music." 

“I’d like to thank the staff in the hostel. And Crisis. They supported me for months. They’ve been so helpful – they’re the ones that got me where I am today.”


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